March 28:

In a large crowd (one of those conference crowds I=m frequently in now in dreams) walking through woods on their way from one meeting place to another. We passed over a border without my knowing, and I had no passport to get back B only a damp and  illegible ID card. 

Then at an airline desk asking my daughter if she had her passport. Trouble, canceled and delayed flights.  I am driving with Ralph my agent through a Midwestern city at evening B his kindly, courtly Chinese dream-assistant telling me that the bill for the car, which L had rented, would be $800.

March 30:

No memory of the part where I lost something or suffered some setback  B but then out on the usual dark city streets.  Saw a young, tough girl driving a crazy three-wheeled a motorcycle B admired her toughness and skill.  But she was going too fast on the potholed road, wouldn=t stop, finally lost control and was flung out onto the street.  I was following B in a car now B and stopped and got out.  People had gathered B among them her boyfriend, it seemed, grief-crazed B he was picking her up to carry her to a hospital B actually piggyback, her head lolling.  I yelled after him to stop, he wouldn=t, I ran to my car to follow him but the car was gone.  I=d left the key in it.  Stolen, in the one minute since I abandoned it.

Then somehow in a low hostel crowded with unsavory types, moneyless, without the car (which I realized belonged to my agent, as in the dream of the night before.)  A kindly black hostel director asked for the rent B I had none B I tried to explain everything to him and began to sob terriby over all that had gone wrong:  the money, the car, the thing that had happened before, whatever it was.  Sobs that woke me.


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